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Working with Digital Assets

8. Working with Digital Assets

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a powerful content management system that excels in managing digital assets, such as images, videos, documents, and other media files. AEM's Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities provide a robust platform for organizing, uploading, manipulating, and distributing digital assets efficiently. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the details of working with digital assets in AEM, including practical examples.

Logging into AEM:

Before you can start working with digital assets in AEM, you need to log in. Follow these steps to log in:

  • Open a Web Browser: Launch a modern web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).

  • Enter the AEM URL: In the browser's address bar, enter the URL of your AEM instance. The URL typically looks like this:

Replace '[hostname]' with your AEM server's actual hostname or IP address and '[port]' with the port number (e.g., 4502 for the author instance).

  • Log In: You will be presented with the AEM login page. Enter your username and password to log in. You should have been provided with these credentials during the setup of your AEM instance.

Working with Digital Assets in AEM:

AEM's Digital Asset Management (DAM) system allows you to upload, organize, edit, and distribute digital assets efficiently. Here's a detailed guide on how to work with digital assets in AEM:

1. Access the DAM Console: After logging in, you can access the DAM console through the AEM interface. Navigate to "Assets" in the global navigation bar and select "Assets."

2. Upload Digital Assets:

  • To upload digital assets, click the "Upload" button in the DAM console.

  • Select the files you want to upload from your local computer.

  • Add metadata and tags to describe and categorize the assets for easy retrieval.

3. Organize Assets:

  • Use folders and collections to organize your assets logically.

  • Create folders to store related assets, and create collections to group assets for specific projects or campaigns.

4. Search and Filter:

  • Utilize AEM's search and filter capabilities to quickly locate assets.  

  • You can search by keywords, metadata, tags, or any other criteria that help you find the assets you need.

5. View and Edit Assets:

  • Click on an asset to view its details and metadata.

  • You can edit asset properties, crop or resize images, and perform other editing actions as needed.

6. Download and Share:

  • Download assets to your local machine for use in other applications.

  • Share assets with others by generating public links or sending invitations.

7. Versioning:

  • AEM offers versioning capabilities, allowing you to track changes and revert to previous versions of assets if needed.

Example: Uploading and Organizing Images:

Let's walk through an example of uploading and organizing images in AEM's DAM:

1. Log In to AEM: Log in to your AEM instance as described earlier.

2. Access the DAM Console: Click on "Assets" in the global navigation bar and select "Assets."

3. Upload Images:

  • Click the "Upload" button in the DAM console.  

  • Select a group of image files from your computer.

  • Add metadata like title, description, and tags to the images during upload.

4. Create Folders: Create folders in the DAM console to organize the images. For example, create a folder called "Product Photos."

5. Move Images to Folders: Drag and drop or use the "Move" action to place the uploaded images into the "Product Photos" folder.

6. Add Metadata: Select an image, click "Edit," and update its metadata, such as adding keywords and specifying copyright information.

7. Search and Retrieve: Use the search bar to find specific images or browse the "Product Photos" folder to locate images by category.


Working with digital assets in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a seamless and efficient process, thanks to the platform's robust Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities. Whether you're uploading, organizing, editing, or distributing assets, AEM provides the tools and features needed to streamline your digital asset workflow. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and exploring AEM's DAM interface, you can effectively manage your digital assets and enhance your content management efforts.