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Integrating AEM with Other Adobe Products

13. Integrating AEM with Other Adobe Products

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is designed to work seamlessly with various other Adobe products, creating a powerful ecosystem for managing and delivering digital content. These integrations enhance the capabilities of AEM and enable a holistic approach to digital marketing and content management. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the process of integrating AEM with other Adobe products, providing practical examples to illustrate the concepts.


Before you begin integrating AEM with other Adobe products, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Access to AEM: You should have access to an AEM instance with administrative privileges or the ability to configure integrations.

  • Other Adobe Products: Depending on the integration you want to set up, make sure you have access to the specific Adobe product, such as Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, or Adobe Campaign.

  • Integration Documentation: Refer to the documentation provided by Adobe for the specific integration you want to implement. Adobe offers detailed documentation for each integration.

Example: Integrating AEM with Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing user interactions with your digital content. Here's how to integrate AEM with Adobe Analytics:

Step 1: Set Up an Adobe Analytics Account

Before integrating AEM with Adobe Analytics, ensure you have an Adobe Analytics account. Follow these steps:

Step 2: Obtain Adobe Analytics Tracking Code

Once your Adobe Analytics account is set up, obtain the tracking code (usually JavaScript) associated with your analytics workspace. This code is used to collect data from your AEM-powered website.

Step 3: Configure AEM for Adobe Analytics Integration

Now, let's configure AEM to work with Adobe Analytics:

  • Log in to AEM: Log in to your AEM instance as an administrator.

  • Access Configuration Manager: In the AEM Touch UI, navigate to "Tools" -> "Operations" -> "Web Console Configuration Manager.

  • Configure Adobe Analytics Properties: Find the "Adobe Experience Cloud Configuration" section in Configuration Manager. Enter your Adobe Analytics tracking code and other relevant configuration details.

  • Save Configuration: Save your configuration settings.

Step 4: Implement Adobe Analytics Tracking on AEM Pages

To start tracking user interactions on your AEM-powered website, you need to implement the Adobe Analytics tracking code on your pages. Here's how:

  • Edit AEM Page: Go to the AEM page where you want to enable Adobe Analytics tracking.

  • Edit Page Properties: Access the page properties and navigate to the "Analytics" or "Tracking" section.

  • Enter Tracking Code: Paste the Adobe Analytics tracking code into the appropriate field.

  • Save Changes: Save your page properties.

Step 5: Publish the AEM Page

Once you've configured AEM and added the tracking code to your pages, publish your AEM page. Adobe Analytics will now start collecting data and providing insights into user behavior on your website.


Integrating Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) with other Adobe products, such as Adobe Analytics, enhances your digital marketing and content management capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and referring to Adobe's official documentation for specific integrations, you can harness the full power of the Adobe ecosystem to deliver better digital experiences and make data-driven decisions for your organization.