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AEM Best Practices for Development and Deployment

23. AEM Best Practices for Development and Deployment

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a powerful web content management system, and adhering to best practices for development and deployment is crucial to ensure efficient, scalable, and maintainable AEM implementations. In this tutorial, we will delve into key AEM development and deployment best practices in detail, providing practical examples where applicable.


Before you begin, ensure you have access to an AEM instance, either hosted on your local machine or a remote server. Familiarity with AEM's architecture and development concepts will also be helpful.

Development Best Practices:

Developers should follow these best practices to ensure the quality and maintainability of AEM projects.

1. Project Structure and Organization:

  • Best Practice: Organize your AEM project into a well-structured directory hierarchy.

  • Example: A typical project structure might look like this:

A well-organized structure helps in easy navigation, code maintenance, and collaboration among team members.

2. Use Maven for AEM Projects:

  • Best Practice: Utilize Apache Maven to manage AEM project dependencies and build processes.

  • Example: Create a Maven-based AEM project using the AEM archetype provided by Adobe.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=XX.X.X

Maven simplifies dependency management and project setup, making it easier to maintain and scale AEM projects.

3. Version Control:

  • Best Practice: Use a version control system (e.g., Git) to manage your AEM project's source code.

  • Example: Initialize a Git repository for your AEM project and commit your code regularly to track changes.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Version control helps in collaboration, tracking changes, and rolling back to previous versions when needed.

4. Code Quality and Reviews:

  • Best Practice: Maintain high code quality standards and conduct code reviews to catch issues early.

  • Example: Use code analysis tools like SonarQube to identify code quality issues and perform regular peer code reviews.

Code quality checks and reviews ensure that your code is maintainable and free from potential bugs.

5. Code Reusability:

  • Best Practice: Promote code reusability by creating and utilizing AEM components and templates.

  • Example: Develop a generic "teaser" component that can be reused across different pages and projects.

Reusable components reduce redundancy, improve consistency, and speed up development.

Deployment Best Practices

Efficient deployment processes are essential to ensure smooth AEM deployments.

1. Development, Staging, and Production Environments:

  • Best Practice: Maintain separate environments for development, staging, and production.

  • Example: Set up environments such as author, publish, and dispatcher for development, staging, and production purposes.

Isolating environments helps in testing, debugging, and ensuring production stability.

2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

  • Best Practice: Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate build and deployment processes.

  • Example: Use Jenkins or CircleCI to create CI/CD pipelines that build, test, and deploy your AEM project to different environments.

Automation reduces manual errors and streamlines the deployment process.

3. Backup and Rollback Plans:

  • Best Practice: Have backup and rollback plans in place to recover from unexpected issues during deployment.

  • Example: Before a major deployment, take a backup of your AEM instance, including both the content and the repository.

Backups and rollback plans minimize downtime and data loss during deployments.

4. Dispatcher Caching:

  • Best Practice: Leverage the AEM Dispatcher's caching capabilities to improve performance.

  • Example: Configure Dispatcher rules to cache static content and invalidate the cache when content changes.

Caching reduces the load on AEM instances and accelerates content delivery.

5. Monitoring and Alerts:

  • Best Practice: Implement monitoring and alerting to proactively identify and address issues.

  • Example: Set up monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to track AEM instance performance and configure alerts for critical metrics.

Monitoring ensures that your AEM environment is healthy and performing optimally.

6. Rollout Plans:

  • Best Practice: Plan and document the rollout process for content updates.

  • Example: Create a rollout plan that outlines how content changes will be synchronized from the author environment to the publish environment.

Rollout plans minimize content deployment errors and ensure consistency.

Performance Optimization

Optimizing AEM performance is essential for delivering a responsive user experience.

1. Content Caching:

  • Best Practice: Implement content caching strategies to reduce server load.

  • Example: Configure Dispatcher to cache HTML pages and assets like images, CSS, and JavaScript.

Caching reduces server load and improves response times.

2. Image and Asset Optimization:

  • Best Practice: Optimize images and assets for faster loading.

  • Example: Use image compression tools like ImageMagick and optimize asset delivery with CDNs.

Optimized assets reduce page load times and improve user experience.

3. Minimize Authoring Load

  • Best Practice: Minimize content authoring on the publish environment to reduce server load.

  • Example: Educate content authors to perform their tasks on the author environment and only replicate content to the publish environment when necessary.

Separating authoring and publishing tasks reduces the load on publish instances.

4. Database Maintenance

  • Best Practice: Regularly maintain and optimize the AEM repository database.

  • Example: Schedule routine maintenance tasks such as database backups and garbage collection.

Database maintenance ensures database health and performance.

5. Scalability

  • Best Practice: Design your AEM architecture to be scalable, especially for high traffic scenarios.

  • Example: Implement horizontal scaling by adding more publish instances behind a load balancer.

Scalability ensures your AEM environment can handle increased traffic and demands.

These comprehensive AEM development and deployment best practices, along with examples, should help you build robust, efficient, and maintainable AEM projects. However, it's important to note that specific requirements and best practices may vary depending on your organization's needs and the complexity of your AEM implementation. Always refer to Adobe's official AEM documentation and resources for comprehensive guidance on AEM development and deployment best practices.