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AEM Cloud Deployment and Services

19. AEM Cloud Deployment and Services

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Cloud Deployment and Services enable organizations to leverage cloud infrastructure for their AEM deployments. This tutorial will provide a detailed guide on deploying AEM in the cloud and utilizing cloud-based services for optimal performance and scalability.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Adobe Experience Manager: You should have a working knowledge of AEM, including author and publish instances setup.

  • Cloud Infrastructure: Access to a cloud infrastructure platform like Adobe Managed Service, AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.

  • AEM Cloud Configuration: You should have administrative access to configure AEM for cloud deployment.

Step 1: Choose a Cloud Service Provider

Select a cloud service provider that suits your organization's needs. Popular options include:

  • Adobe Managed Service: Adobe's managed service for AEM, providing a fully managed cloud environment with built-in AEM expertise.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Utilize AWS cloud infrastructure for hosting AEM.

  • Microsoft Azure: Leverage Azure's cloud services for AEM deployment.

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Deploy AEM on GCP's infrastructure.

Step 2: Configure AEM for Cloud Deployment

Once you've chosen a cloud service provider, configure your AEM instances for cloud deployment. Adobe Managed Service streamlines this process, but if you're using a different provider, you'll need to perform the following steps:

  • Install AEM on Cloud Servers: Set up AEM author and publish instances on cloud servers according to your chosen cloud provider's guidelines.

  • Configure Load Balancing: Implement load balancing to distribute incoming traffic across multiple AEM publish instances for high availability and scalability.

  • Set Up Auto-Scaling:Configure auto-scaling rules to automatically add or remove AEM instances based on traffic demands, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

  • Secure Access: Implement security measures, including access controls, firewalls, and encryption, to protect your AEM deployment.

Step 3: Content Deployment and Synchronization

Configure content replication to synchronize content between author and publish instances in a cloud environment. Ensure that your content authors can publish content effectively to the cloud-based publish instances.

Step 4: Utilize Cloud Services for AEM

Take advantage of cloud services to enhance AEM's performance, scalability, and functionality. Here are some key services you can consider:

  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Integrate a CDN to deliver AEM content globally with low latency. CDNs cache and serve assets closer to the end-users, reducing load times.

  • Database Services: Consider using managed database services provided by your cloud provider for AEM's repository, ensuring reliability and scalability.

  • Monitoring and Logging: Leverage cloud-native monitoring and logging tools to gain insights into AEM's performance and troubleshoot issues.

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Implement automated backup and disaster recovery solutions provided by your cloud provider to protect AEM data.

Step 5: Scalability and Performance Optimization

Regularly monitor and optimize your AEM cloud deployment for performance and scalability. Analyze performance metrics, scale resources as needed, and make code optimizations when necessary.

Example: Deploying AEM on AWS

Suppose you're deploying AEM on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Here's a simplified example:

  • EC2 Instances: Set up EC2 instances for your AEM author and publish instances. Use Amazon RDS as the managed database service.

  • Load Balancer: Configure an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to distribute traffic across your publish instances.

  • Auto Scaling: Implement Auto Scaling Groups to automatically add or remove AEM instances based on traffic patterns.

  • CDN: Integrate Amazon CloudFront as a CDN to cache and deliver AEM assets globally.

  • Monitoring: Use Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring AEM's performance and set up alarms for critical metrics.

  • Backups: Schedule automated database backups using Amazon RDS automated snapshots.

This example demonstrates how to deploy AEM on AWS, but the process may vary depending on your chosen cloud provider.

Step 6: Ongoing Maintenance and Optimization

Continuously monitor and optimize your AEM cloud deployment to ensure it meets your organization's needs. Regularly review performance, security, and cost metrics to make informed decisions for improvements.

This tutorial provides a high-level overview of deploying AEM in the cloud and utilizing cloud-based services. The specifics of your deployment will depend on your chosen cloud provider and your organization's requirements. Always refer to your cloud provider's documentation and resources for detailed guidelines and best practices related to cloud deployment and services for AEM.