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Installing and Configuring AEM

4. Installing and Configuring AEM


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive content management system (CMS) used for creating, managing, and delivering digital experiences. Installing and configuring AEM correctly is essential for a smooth and efficient content management process. In this in-depth tutorial, we will cover the steps required to install and configure AEM, including best practices and examples.


Before you begin the installation and configuration process for AEM, it's crucial to complete some preparatory tasks:

  • System Requirements: Ensure that your server meets the system requirements specified by Adobe for the version of AEM you intend to install. These requirements typically include CPU, RAM, disk space, and supported operating systems. Refer to Adobe's official documentation for the specific requirements.

  • License: Acquire a valid AEM license from Adobe. You will need this license during the installation process.

  • Database Setup: Choose the database you will use with AEM. Common options include Apache Derby, PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle. Install and configure the selected database server according to Adobe's recommendations.

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Install the required version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) as specified by Adobe. Set up environment variables to point to the JDK installation.

  • Web Server (Optional): If you plan to use a web server (e.g., Apache HTTP Server or Nginx) as a reverse proxy in front of AEM, install and configure it based on your requirements.

Installation Steps:

Now, let's go through the installation steps for AEM. For this example, we'll install AEM as a standalone author instance on a Windows Server operating system:

  • Download AEM: Visit Adobe's official website and download the AEM Quickstart Jar file for the specific version you want to install. Ensure that you download the appropriate package (author or publish) based on your use case.

  • Run Installation: Open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory containing the downloaded AEM Quickstart Jar file. 

  • Execute the Installation: Run the following command to start the AEM installation process:
java -jar cq-quickstart-*.jar -unpack

Replace "cq-quickstart-*.jar" with the actual filename you downloaded. The  '-unpack' option is used to extract the installation files.

  • Follow Installation Wizard: The installation wizard will guide you through the setup process. You'll be prompted to specify the installation directory, port numbers, and other configuration options.

  • License Installation: During the installation, you'll need to provide the path to your AEM license file. Enter the path or URL to the license file when prompted.

  • Start AEM: After completing the installation, you can start the AEM author instance by running the following commands:
cd [installation_directory]/crx-quickstart/bin

Replace "[installation_directory]" with the actual path where AEM was installed.

Configuration Steps:

Once AEM is installed, you must configure it according to your organization's specific needs. Here are the common configuration tasks:

  • Access the AEM Web Console: Open a web browser and navigate to the AEM web console by entering the URL: http://localhost:4502/system/console

  • Set Administrator Password: Change the default administrator password to enhance security. You can do this through the AEM web console.

  • Configure User Accounts: Create user accounts and assign appropriate roles and permissions based on your organization's requirements. This ensures that the right people have access to the right parts of AEM.

  • Configure Authentication: Customize authentication mechanisms such as LDAP, SAML, or others for user login. This step is important for integrating AEM with your organization's identity management system.

  • Define Content Structure: Define the content structure for your website or application. Create templates and components that content authors can use to create pages. This step is crucial for maintaining consistency in your digital experiences.

  • Dispatcher Configuration (Optional): If you plan to use a web server as a reverse proxy (e.g., Apache HTTP Server) in front of AEM, configure it to pass requests to AEM. Proper dispatcher configuration enhances security and performance.

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Implement backup and disaster recovery procedures to safeguard your content and configurations. Regular backups are essential to prevent data loss in case of unexpected events.

  • Performance Optimization: Fine-tune AEM's performance settings. Configure caching, thread pools, and other parameters to ensure optimal performance, especially for high-traffic websites.

Post-Installation Validation:

After configuring AEM, perform validation steps to ensure that everything is functioning as expected:

  • Access AEM: Open a web browser and access the AEM author instance using the configured URL (e.g., http://localhost:4502)

  • Login: Log in with an administrator account to verify that authentication and user management are working correctly.

  • Create and Publish Content: Create a sample web page, add content, and publish it to ensure that the content management and publishing workflows function as expected. This step validates the end-to-end content lifecycle.


This in-depth tutorial has covered the detailed steps required to install and configure Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Proper installation and configuration are fundamental for maintaining a stable and secure AEM environment for content management and delivery. Keep in mind that the specific steps and configurations may vary depending on your organization's requirements and the version of AEM you are using. Always refer to Adobe's official documentation for the most up-to-date instructions and best practices.