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Multisite Management and Language Copy

16. Multisite Management and Language Copy 

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a versatile content management system that allows organizations to manage multiple websites and language versions from a single AEM instance. Multisite Management and Language Copy are crucial features for efficiently managing content across multiple sites and languages. In this tutorial, we will explore how to set up Multisite Management and use Language Copy in AEM, providing practical examples and recommendations.


Before diving into Multisite Management and Language Copy in AEM, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Access to AEM: You should have access to an AEM instance with administrative privileges or permissions to configure multisite management and perform language copy operations.

  • Basic Knowledge of AEM: Familiarity with AEM's user interface and content management concepts is helpful.

Setting Up Multisite Management:

Multisite Management in AEM allows you to manage multiple websites within the same AEM instance. Here's how to set it up:

Step 1: Configure Sites in AEM:

  • Log in to AEM: Log in to your AEM instance as an administrator.

  • Access the Sites Console: In the AEM Touch UI, navigate to "Sites" in the left-hand navigation.

  • Create New Sites: Create new sites for each website you want to manage. Define site structure, templates, and components for each site.

  • Configure Site Properties: Customize site properties, including site title, description, and any other metadata.

Step 2: Configure Site Blueprint (Optional):

  • Create a Site Blueprint: In the Sites console, create a site blueprint to define shared components and settings across multiple sites.

  • Define Shared Components: Add shared components, templates, and assets that should be consistent across sites.

  • Apply Blueprint to Sites: Apply the site blueprint to the relevant sites, ensuring consistency in design and functionality.

Using Language Copy for Multilingual Sites:

AEM's Language Copy feature enables you to create and manage multilingual versions of your websites efficiently. Here's how to use Language Copy:

Step 1: Create a Language Copy Configuration:

  • Access the Sites Console: In the AEM Touch UI, navigate to "Sites."

  • Select Your Site: Choose the site for which you want to create a language copy.

  • Language Copies Tab: Go to the "Language Copies" tab within the site configuration.

  • Create a New Configuration: Create a new language copy configuration. Define the source language and target language(s).

Step 2: Initiate a Language Copy:

  • Content Tree: Navigate to the page or content you want to copy.

  • Activate Language Copy: Activate the "Language Copy" action for the selected content.

  • Choose Target Language: Select the target language to which you want to copy the content.

  • Start Copy Process: Start the copy process. AEM will create a copy of the content in the target language.

Step 3: Review and Publish:

  • Review the Copied Content: Review the copied content in the target language. You may need to make language-specific adjustments.

  • Publish the Copied Content: Once satisfied with the content in the target language, publish it to make it accessible to users.


Multisite Management and Language Copy are essential features in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for efficiently managing multiple websites and providing content in different languages. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and customizing them to your specific use cases, you can effectively set up multisite management and create multilingual versions of your AEM-powered websites, providing a global and multilingual digital presence.