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AEM Architecture and Components

2. AEM Architecture and Components


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a robust content management system that provides a flexible and scalable architecture for creating, managing, and delivering digital experiences. Understanding its architecture and components is crucial for efficiently using AEM. In this tutorial, we'll explore the architecture and components of AEM with detailed examples.

AEM Architecture Components:

  •  Authoring Environment: The authoring environment is where content authors and editors create and manage content. It's accessible via a web browser and allows users to collaborate on content creation. For example, let's say a marketing team wants to create a new landing page. They log in to the authoring environment and use a visual interface to design the page by adding components like text, images, and forms.

  • Publish Environment: The publish environment is responsible for delivering content to end-users. It includes one or more publish instances that serve as public-facing servers. These instances cache content to reduce server load and enhance user experience. For instance, when a user requests the landing page created in the authoring environment, it's served from the publish environment to ensure optimal performance.

  • Dispatcher: The dispatcher is a web server extension that sits in front of the publish environment. It intercepts incoming requests and serves cached content when possible, reducing the load on the publish instances. Consider a scenario where hundreds of users access the same landing page simultaneously. The dispatcher caches the page, ensuring fast and efficient delivery to all users.

  • Database (Apache Jackrabbit Oak): AEM relies on a database to store content, configuration, and user data. Apache Jackrabbit Oak is the underlying repository in modern AEM versions. To illustrate, imagine you have created multiple versions of the landing page over time. The database stores these versions, allowing you to revert to a previous version if needed.

  • Cache: Caching is critical for AEM's performance. Various caches, including the content cache, query cache, and dispatcher cache, help reduce database load and deliver content faster. As an example, when a user accesses a frequently visited page, the content cache stores it for quick retrieval.

  • Workflows: AEM's workflow engine automates content processes. Imagine you want to create a workflow that involves content approval for the landing page. AEM allows you to design custom workflows where the content is reviewed and approved before publication.

  • Components and Templates: Components are reusable building blocks used to create web pages. Templates define the structure and layout of pages. Content authors select templates and drag-and-drop components to create pages without coding. As an example, you can create a template for product pages with predefined sections for product description, images, and reviews.

  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): DAM in AEM manages digital assets like images, videos, and documents. It offers features such as metadata tagging and asset versioning. For instance, consider a scenario where you upload product images for your e-commerce website. DAM helps organize these images and provides options for adding metadata like product names and descriptions.

AEM Architecture Types:

  • Single Instance: In a single-instance architecture, all AEM components run on a single server or virtual machine. It's suitable for small-scale websites or for development and testing purposes. For example, a startup company may use a single AEM instance to manage their website.

  • Author-Publish: In this common architecture, the author and publish environments are separate. Content creation and editing occur in the author environment, while published content is served from the publish environment. Multiple publish instances can be used for load balancing and redundancy. An example is a news website where journalists create content in the author environment, and readers access it from the publish environment.

  • Clustered: In a clustered architecture, multiple AEM instances (authors, publishes, and dispatchers) work together to provide high availability and scalability. Load balancers distribute traffic to these instances. Consider an e-commerce platform with thousands of products. Clustering ensures seamless user experiences during high traffic periods.

Benefits of AEM Architecture:

  • Scalability: AEM's architecture allows for horizontal and vertical scaling, accommodating growing content and user traffic. For example, an online retailer can add more publish instances to handle increased holiday shopping traffic.

  • High Availability: Clustering and load balancing ensure high availability and minimize downtime. Imagine a news website during a major event; high availability ensures readers always have access to the latest updates.

  • Performance: Caching and distributed architecture enhance content delivery speed, resulting in better website performance. For instance, a video streaming service relies on caching to deliver videos seamlessly to viewers.

  • Flexibility: AEM's modular architecture enables customization and integration with third-party systems. Consider a travel booking website that integrates with airline reservation systems for real-time availability and booking.


This tutorial has provided an in-depth exploration of Adobe Experience Manager's architecture and its core components. A solid understanding of AEM's architecture empowers developers, administrators, and content authors to effectively utilize this versatile platform for creating and delivering exceptional digital experiences. Whether you are managing a small website or a complex digital ecosystem, AEM's architecture adapts to your needs.