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AEM Version Upgrades and Maintenance

21. AEM Version Upgrades and Maintenance

Upgrading Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to a new version and performing regular maintenance tasks are essential to keep your AEM instance secure, stable, and up-to-date with the latest features and security patches. In this tutorial, we'll explore the steps involved in AEM version upgrades and routine maintenance.


  • AEM Instance: You should have an existing AEM instance in production or staging.

  • Access to AEM Software: Ensure you have access to the AEM software package for the version you want to upgrade to.

  • Backup and Testing: Before performing any upgrade or maintenance task on your production instance, it's crucial to back up all your data and perform testing on a staging or development environment.

Step 1: Preparation and Planning

  • Review Release Notes and Documentation: Before starting the upgrade process, review the release notes and documentation for the target AEM version. This will help you understand any breaking changes or new features.

  • Backup Your AEM Instance: Create a full backup of your AEM instance, including content, configuration, and databases. Ensure you can restore your instance to its previous state in case of issues during the upgrade.

  • Review Custom Code and Configuration: Identify any custom code, configurations, and third-party integrations in your AEM instance. Ensure they are compatible with the new AEM version.

  • Upgrade Environment Testing: Set up a staging or development environment that mirrors your production environment. Perform the upgrade process on this environment first to identify and resolve any issues.

Step 2: Upgrade AEM

  • Install the New AEM Version: Download the AEM software package for the target version. Follow Adobe's documentation for upgrading AEM to install the new version on your staging environment. This typically involves stopping the old instance, installing the new software, and updating configuration files.

  • Database Migration: If the database schema has changed between versions, perform the necessary database migration tasks according to Adobe's documentation.

  • Content Migration: Migrate your content and assets to the new AEM version. Use the AEM upgrade tools and scripts provided by Adobe.

  • Test the Upgrade: Thoroughly test your upgraded environment to ensure that all features and customizations work as expected. This includes testing your custom code and configurations.

  • Document Changes: Update your documentation to reflect any changes introduced by the upgrade. Include any new features or configuration changes.

Step 3: Routine Maintenance

Perform regular maintenance tasks to keep your AEM instance healthy and secure.

  • Security Updates: Stay up-to-date with security patches and updates provided by Adobe. Apply security fixes promptly to protect your instance from vulnerabilities.

  • Backup and Recovery Testing: Regularly test your backup and recovery procedures to ensure you can quickly recover from unexpected issues.

  • Performance Optimization: Monitor and optimize the performance of your AEM instance. This may involve tuning JVM settings, configuring caching, and optimizing queries.

  • Logs and Monitoring: Set up logging and monitoring tools to detect and diagnose issues early. Use tools like Adobe's Health Check and third-party monitoring solutions.

  • Content Cleanup: Periodically review and clean up old or unnecessary content and assets to maintain optimal performance and reduce storage costs.

  • Review and Update Access Controls: Regularly review and update access controls to ensure that only authorized users have access to your AEM instance.

Step 4: Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

  • Documentation: Keep your documentation up-to-date with any changes made during the upgrade or maintenance processes. Document procedures for future reference.

  • Knowledge Transfer: Ensure that your team is well-trained in the new version and understands any changes or new features introduced.

Step 5: Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor your AEM instance's performance, security, and stability. Set up alerts for critical issues.

  • Feedback and Improvements: Encourage feedback from users and developers to identify areas for improvement and further enhancements.

  • Plan for Future Upgrades: Stay informed about upcoming AEM releases and plan for future upgrades well in advance to ensure a smooth transition.

Regular AEM version upgrades and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your AEM-based applications. Following best practices and staying informed about the latest developments in the AEM ecosystem will help you keep your AEM instance running smoothly.