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Troubleshooting and Debugging in AEM

22. Troubleshooting and Debugging in AEM

Troubleshooting and debugging are essential skills when working with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to identify and resolve issues in your applications. In this tutorial, we will cover the key steps and techniques for troubleshooting and debugging AEM applications. We'll provide examples and best practices along the way.


  • Access to AEM: You should have access to an AEM instance for testing and debugging.

Step 1: Understand the Problem

Before diving into troubleshooting, it's crucial to understand the problem thoroughly. Gather information about the issue, including:

  • Error Messages: Note down any error messages or warnings that are displayed.

  • Reproducibility: Determine whether the issue is reproducible and under what conditions.

  • Logs: Check AEM logs for any related errors or warnings.

  • Steps to Reproduce: Document the steps that lead to the problem.

  • Environment Details: Know the AEM version, configuration, and relevant environment details.

Step 2: Check Logs

AEM generates log files that can provide valuable information for troubleshooting. Common log files include:

  • Error.log: Contains critical error messages.

  • Access.log: Records HTTP access to AEM.

  • Request.log: Logs HTTP requests.

  • Audit.log: Logs changes to the repository.

  • Custom Logs: You can create custom loggers for specific components or applications.


If you encounter a server error, check the 'error.log' for detailed information about the issue.

Step 3: Debugging Tools

AEM provides built-in debugging tools that can help identify issues:

  • AEM Logs: The Logs console in the AEM web console allows you to filter and view logs interactively.

  • CRXDE Lite: AEM's integrated development environment offers debugging features for server-side code.

  • Browser Developer Tools: Use browser tools (e.g., Chrome DevTools) to inspect and debug client-side issues.


If you suspect a problem with a custom Sling servlet, set breakpoints and use CRXDE Lite's debugging capabilities.

Step 4: Check Configuration

Review AEM configuration settings and content to ensure they are correctly set up:

  • Apache Sling Configurations: Check the configuration settings for Sling servlets, filters, and other components.

  • AEM Component Properties: Verify that component properties and dialog configurations are correctly defined.

  • Replication Agents: Check replication agents and their configurations for content deployment issues.


If a custom component is not rendering as expected, review its component properties and dialog settings.

Step 5: Test in Isolation

Isolate the issue by narrowing down the scope of the problem:

  • Remove Custom Code: Temporarily disable custom code or configurations to see if the issue persists.

  • Test on a Minimal Setup: Create a minimal AEM setup with only the necessary components and content to isolate the problem.


If a page is not rendering correctly, create a simplified page without custom components to see if the issue persists.

Step 6: Analyze Content

Content-related issues can often be traced to incorrect or missing content:

  • Check Paths: Verify that content paths and references are correct.

  • Node Structure: Examine the node structure in CRXDE Lite to identify inconsistencies.

  • Permissions: Ensure that permissions are correctly set for users and groups.


If content is not displaying on a page, check the content repository for missing or misconfigured nodes.

Step 7: Community and Documentation

Leverage the AEM community and documentation:

  • AEM Community Forums: Post questions or search for solutions in the AEM community forums.

  • Adobe Documentation: Refer to Adobe's official documentation and knowledge base for troubleshooting guides and best practices.


If you encounter a specific error message, search for it in the AEM community forums or documentation.

Step 8: Capture Evidence

If you need to escalate the issue to Adobe Support or your development team, provide detailed evidence:

  • Screenshots: Capture screenshots of error messages or the issue.

  • Logs: Share relevant log files and their content.

  • Steps to Reproduce: Document the exact steps to reproduce the problem.

  • Environment Details: Provide information about the AEM version, operating system, and browser used.


When reporting a bug, include screenshots, logs, and steps to reproduce the issue in your bug report.

Step 9: Fix and Verify

Once you identify the root cause, implement the necessary fixes. Test the solution thoroughly to ensure the issue is resolved.


If the issue was due to a misconfigured Sling servlet, update the configuration and verify that the servlet now functions correctly.

Step 10: Prevent Future Issues

To prevent similar issues in the future:

  • Documentation: Update documentation to include solutions and best practices.

  • Automated Testing: Implement automated tests to catch regressions.

  • Code Review: Enforce code review processes to catch issues before they reach production.


After resolving an issue, update your documentation to include troubleshooting steps and preventive measures.


Troubleshooting and debugging are essential skills for maintaining AEM applications. By following a systematic approach and using the available tools and resources, you can efficiently identify and resolve issues, ensuring the reliability and performance of your AEM instances and applications.