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Working with Dates and Times

Working with Dates and Times

Dates and Times:

1. Importing the datetime Module:

  • Import the datetime module to access date and time classes.

2. Date and Time Objects:

  • Represents a date (year, month, day).
  • datetime.time: Represents a time (hour, minute, second, microsecond).

3. Creating Date and Time Objects:

  • Instantiate date and time objects with relevant values.
  • datetime.datetime: Represents both date and time together.

Working with datetime Objects:

1. Current Date and Time:

  • Get the current date and time using

2. Accessing Components:

  • Access individual components of a datetime object (year, month, day, hour, etc.).
  • Use attributes like .year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second.

3. Formatting and Display:

  • Convert datetime objects to formatted strings using .strftime().
  • Specify formatting codes for each component (e.g., %Y for year, %m for month).

Timezones and Timedeltas:

1. Timezones:

  • Use the pytz library to work with timezone.
  • Convert between different timezones using datetime.astimezone().

2. Timedeltas:

  • Represent the difference between two dates or times using datetime.timedelta.
  • Perform arithmetic operations with timedelta objects.

Parsing and Formatting:

1. Parsing Strings into datetime Objects:

  • Use datetime.strptime() to convert strings to datetime objects.
  • Specify the input format string to match the input format.

2. Formatting datetime Objects to Strings:

  • Use .strftime() to format datetime objects to strings.
  • Choose formatting codes to represent different components.


Here's a simple example demonstrating the use of the datetime module:

import datetime

# Current date and time
current_datetime =
print("Current Date and Time:", current_datetime)

# Accessing components
print("Year:", current_datetime.year)
print("Month:", current_datetime.month)
print("Hour:", current_datetime.hour)
print("Minute:", current_datetime.minute)
print("Second:", current_datetime.second)

# Formatting datetime to string
formatted_date = current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
print("Formatted Date:", formatted_date)