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Pointers and Memory Management

10. Pointers and Memory Management

Pointers in Go:

A pointer in Go is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. Pointers allow you to indirectly access and manipulate values stored in memory.

Declaring Pointers:

To declare a pointer, use the '*'  symbol followed by the type that the pointer points to.

var x int = 42
var ptr *int
ptr = &x // ptr now holds the memory address of x


Dereferencing Pointers:

Dereferencing a pointer means accessing the value stored at the memory address it points to, using the '*'  symbol.

var y int
y = *ptr // y now holds the value of x


Memory Management and Allocation:

Go has an automatic memory management mechanism known as garbage collection. This means you don't have to explicitly free memory like in languages with manual memory management.

Memory Allocation with 'new':

The built-in 'new'function allocates memory for a value of a specified type and returns a pointer to it.

var ptr *int
ptr = new(int)           // Allocate memory for an int
*ptr = 10                // Set the value at the allocated memory


Memory Allocation with Composite Types:

Composite types like slices, maps, and structs are automatically allocated on the heap in Go.

slice := make([]int, 5)                             // Allocate memory for a slice of ints


Memory Leaks:

Although Go handles garbage collection, it's still possible to create memory leaks if you unintentionally keep references to objects that should be garbage-collected.

Example of Memory Leak:
func main() {
for {
x := new(int) // Allocate memory in a loop
*x = 42

In this example, a new integer is allocated in each loop iteration, but there's no way to release the memory, leading to a memory leak.

Manual Memory Management in Go:

While Go handles most memory management automatically, you might need more control in some situations. The 'unsafe' package provides a way to work with memory addresses and raw memory operations. However, it's generally not recommended for most applications due to its complexity and potential for errors.

Memory Safety and Pointers:

Go has strict type safety, and this extends to pointers. Unsafe operations are generally avoided to ensure memory safety and prevent security vulnerabilities.


  • Pointers allow indirect access to memory.
  • Memory management is automatic with garbage collection.
  • 'new' function allocates memory for a value.
  • Composite types like slices, maps, and structs are allocated on the heap.
  • Be cautious of unintentional memory leaks.

By understanding pointers and memory management in Go, you can write efficient and safe code while leveraging the automatic memory management features provided by the language.