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Go Syntax Fundamentals

4. Go Syntax Fundamentals

1. Package Declaration:

In Go, every source file belongs to a package. The 'package' declaration should be the first line of your source file. It defines the package name to which the file belongs.

package main


2.Import Statements:

Import statements are used to bring external packages into your code. Imported packages provide functions, types, and variables that you can use in your program.

import "fmt"


3. Function Declaration:

Functions are the building blocks of a Go program. They are defined using the 'func' keyword, followed by the function name, parameter list, return type, and function body.
func add(a, b int) int {
return a + b


4. Variables and Constants:

Variables are used to store values that can change during program execution, while constants are used for values that remain unchanged.

var x int = 5
const pi = 3.14159


5. Data Types:

Go has several basic data types, including integers, floats, strings, and booleans. You can also define your own custom types using structs.

var age int = 25
var name string = "Alice"
type Point struct {
X, Y int


6. Control Flow Statements:

Go supports common control flow statements like 'if', 'for', and 'switch'.

if x > 0 {
} else {

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {

switch day {
case "Monday":
fmt.Println("It's the start of the week.")
case "Friday":
fmt.Println("It's almost the weekend!")
fmt.Println("It's another day.")



Comments are used to add explanations or notes to your code. Single-line comments start with  '//', and multi-line comments are enclosed in '/* ... */'.

// This is a single-line comment.

This is a
multi-line comment.


8. Print Statements:

You can use the 'fmt' package to print formatted output to the console.

 fmt.Println("Hello, Go!")


These are some fundamental aspects of Go's syntax. By mastering these elements, you'll be well-equipped to write clear and functional Go programs. As you delve deeper into Go, you'll encounter more advanced features and concepts that build upon these syntax fundamentals.