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Python Training in Singapore

Python Training in Singapore Offered by myTectra is the most powerful Python Training ever offered with Top Quality Trainers, Best Price, Certification, and 24/7 Customer Care. 

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Python LP

Course Features

Expert Instructors

Our instructors are true experts in Python Programming, renowned for bringing their extensive knowledge and experience to every lesson.

Real-Time Projects

We will use real-world python examples to illustrate key concepts and show how to apply them in your own python programming projects.

Verified Certificate

Our certificates of completion are recognized by employers and educational institutions, and can help you stand in the competitive job market.

100% Placement

Our Placement team is available to provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the job search. We are here to answer your questions.

An Award Winning Company

Find out about our achievements, including our reputation as one of the India's most Award Winning Training company.

About Program

Course Description

Take your skills to the next level with courses on the most popular programming languages Python. As the adoption of open source continues to rise, the demand for Python coding skills will also continue to grow. Learn one of today’s most popular programming languages from our technical experts, whether you’re new to using Python or want to learn more specific advanced functionalities of Python.



  • Familiarity with basic computer operations and file management.
  • Understanding of programming fundamentals.
  • Understanding of Python syntax and basic constructs like variables, loops, and functions.
  • Basic arithmetic and logic skills.
  • Ability to install Python and an IDE (e.g., PyCharm, VSCode).


Target Audience:

  • Beginners in programming
  • Students in computer science or related fields
  • Professionals in IT, engineering, finance, or science
  • Career changers or switchers
  • Self-taught learners

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Course Details

Python Basics: This section involves the basic concepts of the variables and their importance. This also includes the compiler & interpreter knowledge with the different versions and its differences in python
  • Importance of PYTHONPATH and PATH Variable
  • Concepts of Compiler, Interpreter difference between them
  • Properties of python
  • version Difference
Variable and Variable concepts: This section deals with how to declare, initialize, swap, reference the variables with the same and different datatypes. How syntactically it is different from other technologies. Spacing also called indentation concepts.
  • Declaration
  • Initialization
  • Swapping
  • Indirect referencing
  • type identification
  • Syntax
  • Indentation
Operators and its classification: Different types of operators present in the python and its usage. this section also deals with some of the system functions such as print, input, int, etc.
  • Arithmatic Operators [ + , – , * , / , % , // , ** ]
  • Comparision Operators [ > , < , >= , <= , == , != ]
  • Logical Operators [ and , or , not ]
  • Assignment Operators [ += , -= , *= , /= ]
  • Membership Operators [ in , not in ]
  • terenary Operators
  • print , input , int , float , type , str functions
Conditional Statements: Types of conditional statements, execution of the statements based on the boolean output of the conditional statements along with the importance of the indentation in python.
  • if statement and its examples
  • if-else statement
  • Indentation and structure of the conditional statements.
  • nested if, nested if-else
  • if-elif-else and its importance

This section of python comprises of the system related concepts like data types, system-defined functions with practical implementations. System Module concept. how to import the system defined modules and its uses.

  • Python Data types like Numbers , Strings , Lists , Tuples , Dictionaries etc
  • difference between Normal and module function eg math , random.

Number functions: The functions which works on the number inputs are number functions. This section also comprise system defined number functions .

  • abs , max , min
  • math.ceil , math.floor , round,
  • random functions lile : choice , shuffle , randrange , uniform

String Functions and string Operators:

The functions which work on the string inputs are number functions. This section also comprises system defined string functions.
  • string operators like + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • case related functions like capitalize , upper , lower , title , swapcase
  • max , min , len
  • ljust , rjust , center , lstrip , rstrip , strip
  • count , index , find , replace
  • split , join , startswith , endswith , reversed , sorted
  • validation functions like isalpha , isdigit , isalnum , isupper , islower
Lists, operators, and functions: This section comprises of the list concepts such as operators and functions. List are the part and parcel when it comes dealing with files. This section also includes Indexing , creation , manipulation and deletion for the lists.
  • practical implementations with files using lists.
  • List operators + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • List fundtions like len , max , min
  • append , extend , index , insert , pop
  • deep copy and shallow copy
  • remove , sort , reverse
  • map , reduce , filter
Tuple, Operators and functions : Tuples are immutable list . Here we deal with the difference between lists and tuples . Importance of the tuples over the list, Indexing , access and deletion of the tuples.
  • tuple operators + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • difference between list and tuple
  • tuple functions len , max , min , copy
  • map , reduce , filter
Dictionary operators and Functions: Here we know about the key – value pairs. Has concepts . User defined indexing and its importance over the system defined indexes used in lists and tuples along with the Dictionary operators and functions.
  • Difference between list and dictionary
  • dictionary operators like [] , in , not in
  • dictionary functions like len , keys , values , items ,
  • get , fromkeys , setdefault

In the above section 2, we seen every function or module used is system defined. This section mainly focuses on user-defined elements like user-defined functions, types of user-defined functions and its importance. Return statement. user-defined modules how can user-defined modules are imported etc.

Exception Handling: This section consists of handilng the exceptiexceptions its importance. assert statement.

  • try , except block
  • System defined exceotions
  • User defined exception
  • assert statement
  • finally block
Files: This section is for creation, reading and writing of the files which are Ascii files , binary files etc except non ASCII files like pdf , excel files. Creation , deletion, Read , write and append operations in files.
  • file handlers
  • file functions like open , read , readline , readlines , write , writeline , writelines , close , seek , tell
  • file modes like r, w, a, r+, w+, a+, rb, wb, ab
User-Defined Functions: here we deal with user defined fucntions its types based on how arguments passed. Importance of the return statement.
  • difference between user defined and system defined functions
  • types of user defined functions like
  • Required and positional arguments
  • required and nonpositional Keyword arguments
  • default arguments
  • Variable-length arguments

user-defined modules: This section includes Importance of the user defined modules , use of file.Also how to create a module using folder and also using the files. difference between import and from keywords.

  • import statement
  • from statement
  • difference between import and from statement
  • importance of file
  • alias naming in python
  • Importing one python script in another

OOPS: OOPS whose abbrevation is object oriented programming system. This section deals with the real time programming examples .Importance of objects , object methods , class methods difference between them . Importance of self keyword.

  • Class sstructure
  • importance of objects
  • class methods and object methods
  • Importance of self , __init__ , __name__ , __dict__, __str__ .
  • importance of hasattr(), type(), issubclass(), isinstance(), super() functions
  • class Variables and static variables
Regular Expression: Regular expression is mainly used for the dynamic grepping or replacing of the data based on the pattern anchors.
  • pattern acchors
  • functions like match , search , findall , sub , compile

Excel Files: This section deals with using openpyxl module for excel file related tasks such.

  • How to open excel file in Read and Write and append mode
  • difference between load_module and module function
  • create excel file and add data dynamically in excel file
  • Read existing file and append data
  • Read data dynamically from excel file
  • max_row , max_column and sheetnames functions
Database: Database is a storage where we can store the data in the rows and columns. In this section we deal with the database concepts such as
  • Use of the Mysql database
  • How to connect to the database using the connect method
  • functions like cursor , execute , fetch , fetchall , close and its importance.
  • control functions such as db.commit and db.rollback and its importance
  • how to eexecute the query in python and fetch the data.

Iterators: This section deals with the handling of the memory with respect to the variables.

  • Importance of iterators
  • list and tuple iterator
  • String Iterator
  • next() function and its importance in iterators

Generators :

  • differnce between yield and return statement
  • use and importance of the yield over return statement

Decorators :

  • What is decorator
  • importance and use of decorators
  • JSON , YAML File concepts
  • PDF , Word , CSV , Excel Files [ Opening , Closing , DataExtraction , Creation ]

Threading: This section deals with the concept of threads which is called as parallel processing.

  • what is threading and its importance
  • functions like Thread , join , start
  • threading.main_thread()
  • threading.current_thread()
  • synchronus and asynchronus threads
  • Synchronization between threads
  • lock.acquire() and lock.release()
  • threading.Lock()

smtplib Module: This module is responsible for sending emails

  • how top send the text email
  • how to send the HTML email
  • adding attachments in the mail
  • functions like SMTP , sendmail , quit() , MIMETEXT

OS Networking module: This module contains the functions which are used to perform operating system related tasks.

  • importing os module
  • functions in os module like : access() , listdir() , mkdir() , makedirs() , rmdir() , removedirs()
  • file functions such as remove() , rename() , copy() , chmod() , stat()
  • link() , symlink() , readlink()
  • environ , getenv() , setenv()
  • Webpage Automation
  • screen scraping
  • web interface automation

Learning Objectives:

  • Mastering Python's basic syntax, data types, and control structures.
  • Developing skills in problem-solving and debugging using Python.
  • Learning to build practical applications using Python frameworks and libraries.
  • Understanding coding best practices, version control with Git, and effective project collaboration.
  • Acquiring skills in data manipulation, analysis, and visualization using Python libraries like pandas and matplotlib.


Thousands of individuals like you and businesses trust us to deliver perfection every day.

I have done a Python and Jango course in mytectra. myTectra helped me to clear his all doubt with real-time examples. myTectra helped me so much which helped me to be placed in good MNCs. myTecra helped to clear all his doubts.

Python developer

I did the Python & Django course in myTectra. myTectra also gave me the opportunity to work on a real-time project which helped me a lot to get my concept throw. They also provided me the placement in the company for the course  I did in mytectra.


I have a good learning experience with myTectra learning solutions and I took Python training under Santosh sir. He teaches both practical and theoretical concepts with live examples, which greatly enhances understanding.

Sai Nagendra

I did  Machine Learning(ML), Artificial intelligence(AI), and python courses under the trainer Niraj in mytectra. Due to the standards of the teachings and learning environment of myTectra it made wonders for my future.

Harish Kumar
AI, Ml & Python


Hear what our students say about myTectra


What is Python training, and why should I learn it?

Python training is a program or course designed to teach individuals how to code in Python, a high-level programming language that is popular among developers, data scientists, and artificial intelligence professionals. Learning Python can help you build a career in tech, develop your own applications, or automate your work processes

What are the benefits of taking Python training online?

Online Python training offers several benefits, including flexibility in scheduling, access to a wider range of trainers and courses, and the ability to learn at your own pace. Online training can also be more cost-effective than in-person training.

Will I get placement assistance?

myTectra is providing 100% placement assistance on our key courses. We help you with the career counselling, Exams on Key courses, Mock Interviews and Technical Interviews Tips. Landing an interview proves that you have the job-specific skills for the position, but how do your interview skills stack up? Also, Soft skills are often the most important factor in showing you're the best candidate for the job. Hence we are conducting FREE TRAINING on Soft-Skills worth Rs-25, 000 to all myTectra students which will help you to attend the interviews with more confidence. 

Can I attend a demo session before enrollment?

Yes. We arrange a free demo for all the courses either in the Classroom or Live-Online demo. Please fill the demo request form below to schedule a free demo.

What if I miss a class?

You will never miss a lecture at myTectra. You can choose either of the two options:

Classroom Training:

  • If you miss one or few classes we can give a backup class based on trainer and your convenient time.
  • In case if you miss many classes, we can reschedule your class with upcoming batches or other running batches based on how many courses topics you have completed so far.

Live-Online Training:

  • View the recorded session of the class available in your LMS.
  • You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch.
What are the payment options?
Payments can be made using any of the following options and a receipt of the same will be issued to you automatically via email for both classroom training and Online training.
  • Visa Debit/Credit Card
  • American Express and Diners Club Card
  • Master Card
  • PayPal
  • Net Banking/Wire Transfer
  • UPI Payment such as Google Pay, PhonePe, Paytm
  • Cash/Cheque/DD ( Not for Online Training )
Where do the classes take place?
For Individual: 

Classroom Training - Bangalore

Live-Online Training - Globally 

For Corporates: 

Classroom Training - We deliver classroom training for corporate in more than 20 countries. Send us an Enquiry Now!

Online Training - Globally

* All of the classes are conducted live online. They are interactive sessions that enable you to ask questions and participate in discussions during class time. We do, however, provide recordings of each session you attend for your future reference.

Who are the Trainers?

Our Trainer’s are chosen not only for their knowledge and expertise but also for their real-time experience in the respective courses. 

What if I have more queries?

Just give us a CALL at +918047112411 OR email at

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