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SAP BI/BW Frequently Asked Interview Questions | Basic and Advanced

Written by Bhavya Sri | May 26, 2018 4:56:22 AM

Q1. What is SAP BW/BI? What is the purpose of SAP BW/BI?

Ans: SAP BW/BI stands for Business Information Warehouse, also known as business intelligence. For any business, data reporting, analyses and interpretation of business data is very crucial for running business smoothly and making decision. SAP BW/BI manage the data and enables to react quickly and in line with the market. It enables the user to analyze data from operative SAP applications as well as from other business.

Q2. What are the main areas and activities in SAP/BI?



a) Data Warehouse: Integrating, collecting and managing entire company’s data.
b) Analyzing and Planning: Using the data stored in data warehouse.
c) Broad cast publishing: To send the information to the employees using email, fax etc.
d) Reporting: BI provides the tools for reporting in web-browser, excel etc

  • SAP systems (SAP Applications/SAP ECC)
  • Relational Database (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
  • Flat File (Excel, Notepad)
  • Multidimensional Source systems (Universe using UDI connector)
  • Web Services that transfer data to BI by means of push

Ans: An InfoPackage is used to specify how and when to load data to BI system from different data sources. An InfoPackage contains all the information how data is loaded from source system to a data source or PSA. InfoPackage consists of condition for requesting data from a source system.


Note that using an InfoPackage in BW 3.5, you can load data in Persistence Staging Area and also in targets from source system but If you are using SAP BI 7.0 data load should be restricted to PSA only for latest versions.

Q5. What is table partition?

Ans: Table partition is done to manage the huge data to improve the efficiency of the applications. The partition is based on 0CALMONTH and 0FISCPER. There are two type of partitioning that is done

  1. Database partitioning
  2. Logical partitioning

Q6. What are the features of multi provider?


a) It doesn’t contain any type of data.
b) The data comes completely from the information which is provided.
c) By union operations the info providers are connected.
Data flows from a transactional system to the analytical system (BW). DS ( Data Service) on the transactional system needs to be replicated on BW side and attached to info source and update rules respectively.


Q7. What is ODS (Operational Data Store)?

Ans: 'Operational Data Store' or 'ODS' is used for detailed storage of data. It is a BW architectural component that appears between PSA ( Persistent Staging Area) and infocubes, it allows BEX (Business Explorer) reporting. It is primarily used for detail reporting rather than dimensional analysis, and it is not based on the star schema. ODS (Operational Data Store) objects do not aggregate data as infocubes do. To load the data into an IDS object, new records are inserted, existing records are updated, or old records are deleted as specified by RECORDMODE value.

Ans: Info Objects are known as smallest unit in SAP BI and are used in Info Providers, DSO’s, Multi providers, etc. Each Info Provider contains multiple Info Objects.

InfoObjects are used in reports to analyze the data stored and to provide information to decision makers.

Ans: To access data in BI source system directly. You can directly access to source system data in BI without extraction using Virtual Providers. Virtual providers can be defined as InfoProviders where transactional data is not stored in the object. Virtual providers allow only read access on BI data.

Ans: Transformation process is used to perform data consolidation, cleansing and data integration. When data is loaded from one BI object to other BI object, transformation is applied on the data. Transformation is used to convert a field of source into the target object format.

Transformation rules −

Transformation rules are used to map source fields and target fields. Different rule types can be used for transformation.

Ans:Universal data UD connect allows you to access Relational and multidimensional data sources and transfer the data in form of flat data. Multidimensional data is converted to flat format when Universal Data Connect is used for data transfer.

UD uses J2EE connector to allow reporting on SAP and non-SAP data. Different BI Java connectors are available for various drivers, protocols as resource adapters −

  • BI ODBO Connector
  • BI JDBC Connector
  • BI SAP Query Connector
  • XMLA Connector

Q12. What is the difference between ODS and Info-cubes?

Ans: The difference between ODS and Info-cubes are

  1. ODS has a key while Info-cubes does not have any key
  2. ODS contains detailed level data while Info-cube contains refined data
  3. Info-cube follows Star Schema (16 dimensions) while ODS is a flat file structure
  4. There can be two or more ODS under a cube, so cube can contain combined data or data that is derived from other fields in the ODS

Q13. How many data types are there in characteristics info object?

Ans: There are 4 data types:
  1. DATS
  2.  TIMS
  3.  CHAR
  4.  NUMC

Q14. What are the T-codes for Info-cubes?


Ans: The T-codes for Info-Cubes are
a) LISTSCHEMA: Show InfoCube schema
b) LISTCUBE: List viewer for InfoCubes
c) RSDCUBE, RSDCUBED, RSDCUBEM: Start InfoCube editing

Q15. Write the types of Multi-providers?


Ans: The types of Multi-providers are:
a) Heterogeneous Multi providers: These info-providers only have a few number of characteristics and key figures. It can be used for the modelling of scenarios by dividing them into sub-scenarios. Each sub-scenario is represented by its own info-provider.
b) Homogeneous Multi providers: It consists of technically identical info-providers, such as infocubes with exactly the same characteristics and key figures.

Q16. What do you understand by data target administration task?


Ans: Data target administration task includes
a) Complete deletion of data target
b) Construct database statistics
c) Generate Index
d) Delete Index

Q17. What is B/W statistics and how it is used?

Ans: The sets of cubes delivered by SAP are used to measure performance for query, loading data etc. B/W statistics as the name suggests is useful in showing data about the costs associated with the B/W queries, OLAP, aggregative data etc. It is useful to measure the performance of how quickly the queries are calculated or how quickly the data is loaded into BW.

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