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Google Cloud Platform  Interview Questions and Answers

Written by Pritha Radhakrishnan | Jul 21, 2023 11:11:42 AM

Q1. What is Google Cloud Platform, and what are its key components?

Ans: Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. Its key components include compute, storage, networking, and data services.

Q2. Explain the difference between Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace.

Ans: Google Cloud Platform focuses on providing infrastructure and developer tools for cloud computing, while Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) offers productivity and collaboration applications like Gmail, Docs, and Drive.

Q3. What are the advantages of using Google Cloud Platform?

Ans: Some advantages of GCP include scalability, high-performance computing, extensive service offerings, strong security measures, global infrastructure, and integration with other Google services.

Q4. How does Google Cloud Platform ensure data security?

Ans: Google Cloud Platform ensures data security through features such as encryption at rest and in transit, IAM controls, firewall rules, DDoS protection, and adherence to compliance standards.

Q5. Explain the concept of regions and zones in Google Cloud Platform.

Ans: Regions are geographical locations where GCP resources are hosted, while zones are specific data centers within regions. Regions provide redundancy and fault tolerance.

Q6. What is the difference between Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Datastore?

Ans: Google Cloud Storage is an object storage service for storing unstructured data, while Google Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL document database for application data.

Q7. How does Google Cloud Pub/Sub work?

Ans: Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a messaging service that enables asynchronous communication between independent systems. It uses topics and subscriptions for message distribution.

Q8. What is BigQuery, and how does it differ from traditional relational databases?

Ans: BigQuery is a fully managed, serverless data warehouse for analyzing large datasets. Unlike traditional relational databases, BigQuery operates on a distributed architecture and uses SQL-like queries.

Q9. Explain the purpose of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Ans: Google Kubernetes Engine is a managed service for running containerized applications using Kubernetes. It simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized workloads.

Q10. How does Google Cloud AutoML work?

Ans: Google Cloud AutoML is a suite of machine learning tools that enables users to build custom machine learning models without extensive knowledge of data science or coding.

Q11. What is the role of Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) in GCP?

Ans: IAM provides centralized control and management of user access to GCP resources. It allows administrators to assign roles and permissions to users, groups, and service accounts.

Q12. How does Google Cloud Platform ensure high availability and fault tolerance?

Ans: GCP ensures high availability through features like regional and multi-regional deployments, automatic scaling, load balancing, and redundant storage options.

Q13. What are Cloud Functions in Google Cloud Platform?

Ans: Cloud Functions is a serverless compute service that allows you to run code in response to events without the need to manage servers or infrastructure.

Q14. Explain the concept of VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) in GCP.

Ans: VPC allows you to create a private virtual network within GCP, providing isolation and control over networking resources for your cloud-based applications.

Q15. How does Google Cloud Spanner differ from traditional relational databases?

Ans: Google Cloud Spanner is a globally distributed, horizontally scalable relational database. It provides strong consistency and transaction support across multiple regions.

Q16. What is Cloud Firestore, and how does it differ from Cloud Datastore?

Ans: Cloud Firestore is a flexible, scalable NoSQL document database that offers real-time data synchronization and querying. It improves upon Cloud Datastore by providing more advanced querying and scalability options.

Q17. How does Google Cloud Platform handle disaster recovery and backups?

Ans: GCP provides disaster recovery options like cross-regional replication, backups, and snapshots for various services. These options ensure data resilience and enable rapid recovery in case of failures.

Q18. Explain the concept of preemptible VMs in GCP.

Ans: Preemptible VMs are cost-effective virtual machines that offer significant discounts. However, they can be terminated at any time with a short notification, making them suitable for fault-tolerant and non-critical workloads.

Q19. How does Google Cloud Platform handle big data processing?

Ans: GCP offers services like BigQuery, Dataproc, Dataflow, and Pub/Sub for various aspects of big data processing, including storage, analysis, batch processing, and real-time streaming.

Q20. What are the different deployment models available in Google Cloud Platform?

Ans: GCP supports multiple deployment models, including public cloud, private cloud (Anthos), hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud deployments.

Q21. How does Google Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) work?

Ans: Google Cloud CDN improves the performance and latency of websites and applications by caching content at strategic edge locations around the world, closer to end users.

Q22. What is the purpose of Google Cloud Load Balancing?

Ans: Google Cloud Load Balancing distributes incoming network traffic across multiple instances to ensure high availability, scalability, and improved performance.

Q23. How does Google Cloud Platform handle container orchestration?

Ans: GCP provides Kubernetes-based container orchestration through Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), allowing for efficient management, scaling, and deployment of containerized applications.

Q24. What is Cloud Storage Transfer Service, and how does it work?

Ans: Cloud Storage Transfer Service enables the transfer of large amounts of data from on-premises storage systems or other cloud providers to Google Cloud Storage.

Q25. How does Google Cloud Platform ensure compliance with data protection regulations?

Ans: GCP maintains compliance with various industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. It provides features like encryption, auditing, and logging to help organizations meet their compliance requirements.